College Hill United Methodist Church
COVID Protocol
Safety Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
We are following the risk assessment from the CDC for those living in Sedgwick County to determine appropriate safety precautions and PPE.
Currently, masks are not required in our building. Masks are encouraged when physical distancing is not possible.
Food and drink may be served indoors or outdoors to groups of any size.
Physical distancing is encouraged to decrease risk of transmission.
All of our ministries and activities may meet in-person without limitations.
Your Role as an Active Congregant
Vaccines are the best way to prevent severe disease. You are encouraged to stay up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccinations.
Follow CDC Guidance based on your vaccination status and your risk for severe disease if you have symptoms of COVID-19, test positive for COVID-19, or who have a known exposure to COVID-19. Do not return to CHUM building until you have met the CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation or the criteria to discontinue self-quarantine after caring for a loved one with COVID-19.
If you test positive for COVID-19, notify anyone you had close contact with at a CHUM event. Staff should notify their supervisor if they have a close contact exposure or test positive for COVID-19.
If you do not feel comfortable participating in in-person activities at CHUM, you are encouraged to participate remotely.
Observe any safety precautions and personal protection equipment (PPE) that are required as a way to offer hospitality and welcome to others who attend events.
Review of COVID Data
The Advisory Group determines intervals (not to exceed 8 weeks) at which they review the COVID data for Sedgwick County and approve adjustments to our protocol.
At a minimum, the data review will consider:
CDC COVID Tracker and assessment of COVID risk in our county which can also be found at Sedgwick County COVID webpage.
Any state or local requirements or significant congregational exposure or congregational cluster.
Advisory Group Members
Chris Atchison, Jill Sander-Chali, Amanda Valliant
Click below to contact Chris Atchison
Or call the church office at 316.683.4643